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IT for kids

18 February 2021

A campaign has been launched to encourage Suffolk residents/businesses to donate laptops and tablets for school children to learn at home.

Read more on IT for kids

Snow affected bin collections

15 February 2021

Details of revised bin collection arrangements following the recent snow disruption can be viewed here

Read more on Snow affected bin collections

Over 70? Book your covid jab now!

8 February 2021

The NHS have today advised that all those over 70 should book their Covid vaccination now, and not await an invitation from the NHS.  if you have grandparents, relatives and friends over 70, please encourage them to book an appointment as soon as possible.

Read more on Over 70? Book your covid jab now!

Warning of Snow 6th until 8th Feb

4 February 2021

There is currently a Met Office warning of 5cm to 10 cm snow and Ice, accompanied by strong winds, between Saturday midday through to Sunday and possibly Monday. For updates monitor local and national media.

Read more on Warning of Snow 6th until 8th Feb

NHS Number Finder

3 February 2021

 A new service is now live to help you find your NHS number. This is one of the questions that will be asked when you need your covid vaccination and when people don’t know, they phone their GP surgery.
NHS Number Finder

Read more on NHS Number Finder

Changes to Local Transport

24 January 2021

From Monday 25th, there are service changes on the Felixstowe line, between 08 and 16 hours, there will only be a two-hourly service. There will be no 08.25 ex Ipswich but otherwise the times outside of these hours remain unchanged. Greater Anglia have not yet said if there will be any alterations to the weekend trains. The Ipswich Park & Ride service has been temporarily suspended. It's probably only a matter of time before First look at our two buses. At present, the 73 and 79 are still running to timetable but with very few passengers.

Read more on Changes to Local Transport

Suffolk Covid vaccination webpage

13 January 2021

The Suffolk-wide Covid response Communications Group has created a new vaccination webpage which has now been added to the Suffolk County Council website.

Read more on Suffolk Covid vaccination webpage

Award for Kirton Community

17 December 2020

Kirton & Falkenham Parish Council have received the attached Award for recognition of the Outstanding Service to the Community during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
This, however, was not an achievement made by the PC alone but by the kind, considerate and selfless support offered by so many villagers to help friends and neighbours within our community.

Read more on Award for Kirton Community

Missing Litter Bin Park Lane

7 October 2020

There has been regular dumping of large amounts of meat in the litter bin in Park Lane over a number of weeks. This has resulted in it becoming extremely unpleasant with foul smells. As a result 
East Suffolk Council
 have removed the bin. We have been informed that the problem has now moved to the the village green. These bins are for normal litter, food products can be placed in your green (preferably) or grey bin. If the problem persists we may loose more bins. Please, if you are doing this stop, or if you see someone doing it please let us know at kandfpc@gmail.com

Read more on Missing Litter Bin Park Lane