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The Parish Council receives financial reports at its regular meetings, providing information on receipts and payments in the most recent period, a year-to-date R&P report and a bank reconciliation to ensure that the published accounts correlate with the bank statements. These can be found at the foot of this page - the list will normally comprise the reports for the current financial year. For 2017/18 only, the list starts in September 2017

In addition, the Parish Council undergoes an audit every year, starting shortly after March 31st, the financial year end. All relevant papers are sent to the Internal Auditor, who performs random checks and verifies the published financial position.

A report is sent back by the Internal Auditor to the Parish Council for consideration and approval, and all this information provides the basis for Pages 1,2 and 4 of the Annual Return that every council, small or large, has to complete. The Internal Auditor may highlight necessary changes or adjustments and may make recommendations on various matters.

All this is then sent to the External Auditor (along with an explanation about significant changes in income and expenditure over the previous year) for review and to provide their professional opinion on the financial position of the Parish Council.

Once the process is complete (and assuming that all has gone well), a Notice of Audit Completion is published on the website, supported by all the financial information mentioned above. These reports are updated as the audit process progresses until that final notice of completion. These reports, for the current and previous years, you will also find at the foot of this page.

Click on the folders below to see the documents relating to each financial year